About Emily Fitzpatrick, MSW, LCSW, CHST
Online Sex Therapy Across Colorado
Hi! I’m Emily
As a child, I spent my evenings in New Jersey’s finest diners drinking black coffee with my older siblings, listening to salacious conversations. As an adult, I’ve found a way to bring those conversations into the light by becoming a Certified Holistic Sex Therapist and founder of Nu Sex Therapy in Denver, CO.
I may be a sex therapist, but I’m no stranger to the trauma of sexual shame and silence. Born into a Irish Catholic family, I was raised in a culture where teen/unintended pregnancy, sexual abuse, and AIDS were kept hidden (“we-don’t-talk-about-Bruno” vibes). Through education and mentors, I learned to examine how I internalized my own taboo, and more importantly, found my voice and broke the silence.
So, have I faked Os in my lifetime? Sure have!
Have I prioritized a partner's pleasure while (reluctantly) silencing mine? Yes.
Did I believe my sexuality wasn’t my own? Yes.
Have I questioned my sexual orientation and teased out default assumptions, experiences, and attractions? Yep!
Have I lost interest in sex? Yup!
Have I been more worried about how my body looks than how it’s receiving pleasure? Yes, yes I have.
Am I still learning things about myself? Sure am! (and I will never have it all figured out. I’m human after all)
But along my journey I’ve learned that embracing the expansiveness that is human sexuality is incredibly healing and satisfying. There is so much beauty in the variety of expressions (spoiler alert, it’s not just about sex) and I can’t wait to invite you to witness it for yourself. Read more here.
My Professional Background
Bachelor of Science (with honors) in Social Work. Syracuse University, 2010
Master of Science (with honors) in Social Work. University of Denver, 2013Certified Holistic Sex Therapist. Institute for Sexuality Enlightenment and Education, 2023
American Association of Sex Educators Counselors and Therapists, 2012-Present
Empowering Sexuality with Somatic Sexology
AASECT Virtual Institute Cultivate Trans Thriving: Tools for Gender Liberation in Practice
Asexuality & Aromanticism with Aubri Lancaster
Sue Johnson’s Emotion-Focused Individual Therapy Master Class: Experience the Healing Power of EFIT for Attachment Trauma
Complex PTSD Clinical Workshop: A Comprehensive Approach to Accurately Assess and Effectively Treat Clients with Chronic, Repeated and/or Developmental Trauma
As a Certified Holistic Sex Therapist who is queer and neurodivergent, I strive to create a safe place for you to air your secrets and where you can unpack any self held shame with curiosity and care. You deserve to heal your sexual relationship and to have satisfying embodied experiences that can adapt to every season of life.
I bring compassion, creativity, nuance, and tenderness into sessions with my clients. My work is a love note and reclamation to all who feel alone, different, and silenced.
I might be a good therapist for you if:
You want to receive the sex education you never had but always deserved
Cis hetero normativity isn’t the default measuring stick for how you want to universally relate to your sexuality (even if you’re a cis hetero person/relationship)
You want a therapist who is an active collaborator, not someone who stares blankly at you while you divulge your deepest secrets
You’re ready to take a birds-eye view of your sexuality and what it could be, and not just stay within made-up limits while also knowing your autonomy and choices will be respected
Ready To Say “F*ck It” To Limits?
If you suspect there’s even more fulfilling knowledge and pleasure awaiting, let’s lean in. You deserve to explore edges and boundaries that honor you!
Let’s connect - schedule your free 20 minute consultation call today.